
The Trouble with Expectations

I’ve heard it said that expectations are pre-meditated disappointments and frustrations. It’s natural to have expectations when a new dog arrives in the home.  Perhaps you have owned dogs in the past or spent time in the presence of friends’ dogs.  We all want the idyllic and harmonious companionship we imagined when the decision was […]

Doggy Gift Guide for Savvy Shoppers

T’is the season to buy gifts for our loved ones.  Do you know anyone who doesn’t include the dog on the holiday gift list?  Sorting through the quagmire of treat and toy options can be confusing…not to mention, expensive. Toys vs. Chews It helps to separate your dog’s playthings into two categories:  toys and chews.  […]

Get Ready for Guests

As the holiday season descends upon us, along come family and friends.  It’s a fun and busy time of year.  If you have confidence in your dog’s hosting qualities, hats off to you.  If you have a few nagging doubts, here is a pre-season checklist to consider. Guest and Party Basics Let’s start at the […]

Counter Shopping: Prevent or Correct a Nasty Habit

Most dogs are likely to try counter shopping when left to their devices in the kitchen. Our beloved dogs are, at heart, opportunistic scavengers.  No household, especially one where a child resides, is totally free of foodstuffs on a kitchen counter.  What better scenario to pull off an enormous “payoff”?  This happens only once, and […]

Halloween Scary Tails

Donning costumes and overeating chocolate candy are highlights that come with Halloween. It’s fun to be a little scared – but not for everyone. DE-SENSITIZE YOUR DOG TO SPOOKINESS Motion detector decorations catch us all unawares and can be nothing short of terrifying to your dog. When the Halloween decorations begin to appear in your […]

Sizing Up the Dog Park

Dog parks offer our pets a confined area where they can run and benefit from aerobic exercise. The parks can also provide a community pet advocacy platform and a group to share pet-related resources. Pay several visits to the dog parks without your dog. Observe the groups – dogs and humans – to assess whether you […]

Coping With Home Alone Issues

Social animals can adapt to alone time. Dogs are, naturally, more comfortable in the company of their people. Puppies and re-homed adolescent and adult dogs must learn to cope with home alone time. Here is a plan to get started. INDEPENDENT TIME IN THE CRATE Teaching your dog to relax when the family is out-of-sight […]

It’s Only a Game. But, Actually….

Play is one of the best ways to enhance your relationship with your dog, provide her with mental stimulation and physical exercise, and train. All family members can engage in constructive play with the dog. YOU ARE YOUR DOG’S BEST BUDDY Dogs are naturally drawn to other dogs and novelty in the environment. They gravitate […]

The Crate: Beyond Housetraining

The crate is one of the best behavior management tools, with benefits that extend way beyond potty training. The best way to teach a young dog to “hold it”, pending access to his potty area, is to place him in the crate.  Most dogs don’t want to soil that spot and adjust to it, even […]

Canine Good Citizen Evaluation

Is your dog a good candidate for pet therapy?  Would you like your dog to be welcomed everywhere?  Passing the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluation is a worthwhile goal.  The CGC evaluation is open to all dogs, including mixed breeds.  Your dog must demonstrate solid training in these areas: Accepting a […]